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Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter for under £25...


Well-Known Member
Just ordered one yesterday for the brilliant price of £24.49!

This is how you do it :)
  • Sign up to (if you're not already a member) TopCashback.co.uk: The UK’s #1 Cashback & Vouchers Site
  • Search for 'Bespoke Offers'
  • In another tab open up Amazon and search for 'Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter'
  • Grab the URL of the cheapest price (currently £36.95 @ Accessory-Shop)
  • Paste the URL into the Beat My Price section of the website
  • Wait... within 24 hours you'll have a better price! I was offered it for £29.56 (the rest of the discount comes in the form of cashback)
Not bad considering the RRP (and still for sale on Microsoft's website) is £59.99!
Not bad at all. They can be a pain, but those voucher sites can be great. Got £100 off my SP3 using quidco.

Very very good price, but just as a heads up for those who miss this offer, the WDA is almost always available on amazon for £35-40 posted.
Yeah Quidco is good too... I remember they messed up my Surface Pro order and gave me £35 cashback twice :D I wasn't complaining.

Although, when I ordered my Band they were giving £10 cashback. I ordered two different sizes and sent the one that didn't fit back... Quidco said because I returned part of the order it wasn't valid and I didn't get my money :( a bit annoyed about that one.

I guess almost literally, you win some you lose some!