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MikeGyver Surface Car Adapter Not for Pro


Active Member
MikeGyver.com was advertising a car charger/adapter for the Surface Pro. I ordered one to use with my Pro. Received it yesterday and was surprised to see that it looks exactly like the cheapie RT adapter that I bought just to get the cable. I decided I would do some testing before I used it, to be sure that it really would handle the additional current demand, and planned to do that today.

Well, this morning I received the following email:


Recently you place an order with use for the Microsoft Surface Car adapter. We incorrectly labeled the car adapter for the Surface pro. The car adapter works for the Surface RT only. We are working as fast as we can to upgrade the car adapter to support the Surface Pro.

If you have the Surface RT, there is no need to change your order. If you ordered this for the Surface Pro, please let us know if you'd like to cancel your order or simply wait for the Surface Pro version.

For those who ordered our Battery, there is likely no delay, but please let us know what it is for as well.

For those who have already received their order (or will receive it) and if it is for the Surface Pro, please do not use it and return it by going here: mikegyver.com/rma

We apologize for your inconvenience,


They have now changed their web page to specifically indicate that it is for the RT only. That does give them a bit of a pricing problem at $39.95, as RT chargers are available on eBay for $12.95.

Edit: Their web page still says "Compatible with all versions of the Surface Tablet.," but I suspect they will fix that quickly. (I emailed them about it this morning.)

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Sounds like they made a mistake, and are trying to correct it. I respect that.

That would make me more inclined to order from them in the future, if, of course, they're selling quality gear.

Thanks, Russ.
HD_Dude & dc5 --

re: "if, of course, they're selling quality gear" -- I think they are, and I plan to order a Pro charger as soon as it's available (probably two, one for me and one for Ladyfriend). In a subsequent email, Mike said he expects to have it in 2-3 weeks. His handling of this event and that of dc5 does tend to build confidence.

@dc5 -- I saw your post after I had posted mine. I didn't get the chance to melt mine.

Take care,
They have a car adapter for the Pro now, and I've been using it for about two and a half weeks. Works great, charges my phone as well.

Slightly off topic but: They now have a Surface cable that will plug into the XPAL 18000 battery -- I'm using it right now. I contacted Mike Gyver awhile ago to make it after seeing some of your guys' home brewed soultions (I believe it was Russ who's I saw initially). Just got it today and it works great. I know someone else has one of these batteries sitting around.

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Car Charger for MS Surface Pro???

MikeGyver.com was advertising a car charger/adapter for the Surface Pro. I ordered one to use with my Pro. Received it yesterday and was surprised to see that it looks exactly like the cheapie RT adapter that I bought just to get the cable. I decided I would do some testing before I used it, to be sure that it really would handle the additional current demand, and planned to do that today.

Well, this morning I received the following email:


Recently you place an order with use for the Microsoft Surface Car adapter. We incorrectly labeled the car adapter for the Surface pro. The car adapter works for the Surface RT only. We are working as fast as we can to upgrade the car adapter to support the Surface Pro.

If you have the Surface RT, there is no need to change your order. If you ordered this for the Surface Pro, please let us know if you'd like to cancel your order or simply wait for the Surface Pro version.

For those who ordered our Battery, there is likely no delay, but please let us know what it is for as well.

For those who have already received their order (or will receive it) and if it is for the Surface Pro, please do not use it and return it by going here: mikegyver.com/rma

We apologize for your inconvenience,


They have now changed their web page to specifically indicate that it is for the RT only. That does give them a bit of a pricing problem at $39.95, as RT chargers are available on eBay for $12.95.

Edit: Their web page still says "Compatible with all versions of the Surface Tablet.," but I suspect they will fix that quickly. (I emailed them about it this morning.)


Hi.. Just ordered my Surface Pro 128 GB ... now Looking for a Car charger for the same but did not found anywhere
Can any buddy help me in this??

Thanks in advance