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Mini display port to VGA adaptor


Active Member
Hey guys, I just want to let you all know that I bought a mini display port to VGA adaptor on ebay for 6 dollors, and it works perfectly fine with my external display. So glad I didn't need to spend 50 bucks on the Microsoft one. I may have to buy the HDMI from Microsoft though to get higher res / audio support. Perhaps I can also find a decent one on ebay. Cheers!
I don't think it even has a brand. It shipped in from china and it says it is for MacBook pro but it apparently works perfectly fine for any device that supports mini display port such as the surface pro. Search it up on ebay and you'll see. The adapter itself is all white. I got it for 6 dollars but I must say the quality is pretty good. The only thing is the ebay description says max res output it 1920 by 1080, which is perfectly fine because I never use VGA devices that go beyond that resolution.
Hey guys, I just want to let you all know that I bought a mini display port to VGA adaptor on ebay for 6 dollors, and it works perfectly fine with my external display. So glad I didn't need to spend 50 bucks on the Microsoft one. I may have to buy the HDMI from Microsoft though to get higher res / audio support. Perhaps I can also find a decent one on ebay. Cheers!

I got this one from Amazon:
Amazon.com: eForCity Mini Display Port to VGA Male / Female Adapter Compatible with Apple® MacBook®, MacBook® Pro, iMac®, MacBook Air®, Mac® Mini Laptop: Computers & Accessories

Haven't tested it on a display yet, but looks like it should work fine.

Hey Souldier- When you plug in your cable into the Mini Displayport port, does it feel like it is sticking out a bit, with some wiggle? (feels like it could be damaged easily if the cable was accidentally pulled)
I wonder if the official Microsoft version is flush to the Surface Pro....
It only partially sticks out because of the angled edges unique to the surface, but it fields SOLID and secure.