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Modified power profile changes not sticking


Active Member
I've noticed that my changes to the power profiles aren't sticking. For example, I've changed the Max processor state to 75% when on battery and I'll go be to check it the next day and it's back to 100%. Has anyone else seen this? If I could get it to stick, perhaps I'd get even more battery life.
Thanks for the reply but I don't see anything there that refers to my problem. I'm able to edit the advanced settings for each power profile. I make the changes that I want and then click OK. If I immediately edit the power profile again, all my settings are there. The problem comes after some amount of hours/days later. Then, if I go back into the power profile, it's been reset to default.

I have been modifying the existing Balanced and Power Saver profiles. This morning, I created my own custom profile. We'll see if setting to it remain.
Interesting, my profiles have stuck but I did not adjust Cpu. Is it inly the CPU which doesn't stick?
Interesting, my profiles have stuck but I did not adjust Cpu. Is it inly the CPU which doesn't stick?
That's the one that I know for sure isn't sticking. I haven't written down each of my other settings to compare. Also, it looks like the CPU setting didn't stick with my custom profile either :(.
I set my max to 25% on "Power Saver" mode and it survived a reboot. We'll see how it goes, but I am expecting an increase in battery life.

weird that they wouldn't set it up this way by default but I guess they wanted a "showcase". but if this makes a significant difference it would be huge...