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My Favorite Applications


New Member
1. Fhotoroom

This is a photo editing software that I found to be really useful, and willing to pay for the Pro version.

2. Cocktail Flow

I am no barista, but this application has been my favorite since I downloaded it for my HTC Mozart running Windows Phone 7.

3. 4th Square

While I may not actually need it because I can use Foursquare on all my other platforms, i.e., Symbian, Windows Phone, iOS, and Android, it is a nice-to-have application. I wish to see 4th and Mayor, currently only on Windows Phone 8, on Surface RT.

4. Board Express

This is a nice Tapatalk-client, but I'm wishing they can make the photos show in-line within the posts.

5. G Maps

Bing Maps for the Philippines is practically useless, and I'm glad I found this application. Everything I expect for a map application.

I hope to add more to my favorites as soon as I discover new applications.
I just found Photographer Workshop in the App Store. It can read my D800 raw files (NEF) and do basic processing like colors, crop, rotate. Together with Fhotoroom, this will do for my Surface RT that can't run Nikon Capture NX 2.
I am using TuneIn with my HTC One V and I'm glad to see this application for Windows 8/RT.
Seavus Project Viewer software for viewing Microsoft Project plans is excelent bussiness app for Windows 8RT
Can open, view and print project plans.
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Thank you folks for chiming in. This will expand my knowledge of the applications out there.

One of my favorites: LocalMovieDB
Awesome way to catalog your movies. Can now play them as well if you've ripped them.
Still yet to see a killer app. Hoping someone creates some music production apps, like Garageband IOS, or Caustic on Android.

I take the lack of any killer apps on the Surface as that the Developers are taking their time and creating a polished product.
I have high hopes for this new application, Fotor.

It can open my 45MB Nikon D800 NEF file, but once I apply the 1-click enhance, it dies :p It's good enough for my Nikon 1 J1 raw files though. Looking forward to enhancements, and this has more potential than Fhotoroom, so the latter needs to up their game.
The Economist has just been launched. It's very good. TuneIn radio is a great app too, although I don't know why it takes so long to open a stream once you have selected it. Enjoying the SNES emulator too!