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Although it's a product that isn't quite ready for mainstream retail, that doesn't mean Microsoft's HoloLens isn't baked enough to be used at higher levels up the development food chain. We've known for a while that NASA has been working directly with Microsoft to come up with creative ways to use HoloLens.
Their joint project to get HoloLens going is called "Sidekick" and it aims to give a 3D visualization aspect to various other NASA engineering endeavors (and much more). There's a new video up which shows off the progress they have made with the VR/AR capabilities of HoloLens and the results are astounding.
One of the most important aspects of Project Sidekick is the capability to adjust a CAD model to nearly any scale. This will help engineers visualize things before actual production that would not be possible otherwise.
We have a video below, and if you want to see the best part, fast forward to about the 4:43 mark where you get to see the effect the 3D visualization scaling has on a couple of folks who are seeing it in real-time. They literally jump back in reaction to the virtualized model suddenly growing in scale. It will be amazing to see how far we can take this amazing technology.