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Photo Viewer App Please


New Member
Can anyone suggest a good photo viewer app that does the following:
1) Open RAW (Canon and Sony) files as well as jpg
2) Display the file name (with extension)
3) allow for selection of folders that contain photos
4) Slide show would be a bonus
5) Free would be nice but I am willing to look at try-before-buy apps.

I really don't need to do any processing of the image but the ability to do so would be a bonus.

Actually the default Surface photo viewer does a great job except I can't figure a way to view the file name while viewing the photo.

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rbur --

I haven't found anything that will do all those things.

The Surface photo viewer will open and display Canon raw files (.CR2).

The Photo Album app (free) does display the image and the full file name, but only after you add it to an album. It uses the native photos app as a source, so you can browse around and find the folders you want. Unfortunately, that does not include finding the raw images. It can also choose photos from the built-in cameras.

I'm also using the Fhotoroom app (Free + a Pro version for $1.49). It, too, uses the native Photos app for sourcing, but also does not see the raw images. It does allow for some post processing, but all I have used it for so far is cropping.

I'm planning to buy a Surface Pro for my Ladyfriend as soon as they are available, and there does exist the slight possibility that I will install the EOS utility on it and use it for taking a few pictures, same as I do with my laptop. If that works as I expect, she may have trouble getting the Surface Pro away from me.

@Russ ... thanks for the reply and any digging you did on my behalf.
Yes, the Surface photoviewer is actually quite good and I wish I could just find a way to display the file name and extension.
I guess I will just keep rooting around and wait ... something is bound to pop up.

I will have hundreds of images which I need to scan through (at full screen) and then need to note or mark the ones I'm going to later process.

I'm hoping I don't have to get the pro because I do need the battery life. I will have to be patient...

thanks again ... Ron...
Ron -

Check with me in January and I will tell you how the EOS Remote Capture works on the Pro. (Probably oughta also post an update on whether or not my Ladyfriend was able to get it from me after I tried that -- but maybe I won't. Hmmmm? Buy another Pro or get a new Ladyfriend?)

I view the Pro as a laptop replacement, which is the case with my Ladyfriend, so as long as battery life is laptop-comparable, I'm Ok with that.

I'm extrapolating here, but do I correctly assume that your plan is to use the RT to mark the images for later processing, then do the post-processing on a desktop or laptop? The Fhotoroom app offers a good range of processing, but does me little good since it won't recognize raw images. I'm so spoiled by the Lightroom3 program on my desktop & laptop that it will be hard for me to accept much less.

Meanwhile, we will both be patient and see what the app developers come up with for the RT.

Take care,
@ArnoldC ... yes, Fotor looks very good. Only problem is that it does not allow the user to do a quick finger swipe scan of all the photos in full size mode. The default Surface Photo viewer is all I need if only I could get an indication of which photo I'm looking at .... Grrr ... so close

@Russ ... you are correct, I want to review the photos using the Surface, identify the ones of interest and do post processing with photoshop/lightroom on another computer at a later date.

While waiting for January to roll around .. find a Dell kiosk in a local mall and have a look at their hybrid device the XPS12. It's very slick as a laptop and converts to a tablet with a flick of the display. It can be configured with a i7 processor, loads of memory and storage. I almost bought one (and still may) but the unit is heavier than the Surface and of course battery life is in the 4 hr. range. Of course it's Win 8 with full touch capability.

thank you both for your comments

I will check out Fotor if I can figure out what it is. I am looking for a way to view my photos directly from my SD card rather than copy all (several hundred at a time) to my library, or sky drive. So far I have seen no way to do this on my new Surface and have not found an app for it either. Any suggestions appreciated.
I'm working on a new App called "Qik Photo Animator" which does some of what you're after which will include slideshow, file management (including filenames, extension, skydrive integration etc).
The issue you're having with external devices on the Surface RT is that Windows RT is really locked down with regard to file access. Most of the access is via the standard libraries with full directory access only granted to a few apps (MS screens all Apps that go through Store Certification).
If you have a wish list for photo viewing/light editoring, please post it and I'll take it into consideration.
@sstrong ... my wish list...

1) navigate to folders where photos may be kept.
2) select a whole folder to view
3) open a image and then swipe in either direction to see the other images
4) be able to view RAW files as well as jpg's
5) be able to determine file name including extension (ideally an option to turn this feature on/off)
6) would LOVE to be able to add a description that would be compatible with the descriptions in skydrive and picassa.
7) upload to skydrive or picassa
8) basic editing like contrast, brightness etc.
9) image deletion
10) slide show capability (don't need fancy transitions).

I am working with hundreds of photos at a time (per folder) so speed of image resolution is important as is the ability to quickly swipe through them and do a first level cull of the unwanted images.
I can do the above presently but I have to use multiple apps.

Now ... that shouldn't be too hard ??? LOL !!!

thanks for your interest ... Ron...
Qik Photo Animator:

[Can navigate within photo library - looking at import options now] 1) navigate to folders where photos may be kept.
[YES] 2) select a whole folder to view
[YES] 3) open a image and then swipe in either direction to see the other images
[will investigate] 4) be able to view RAW files as well as jpg's
[YES] 5) be able to determine file name including extension (ideally an option to turn this feature on/off)
[Skydrive support, will investigate description] 6) would LOVE to be able to add a description that would be compatible with the descriptions in skydrive and picassa.
[Skydrive only at this stage] 7) upload to skydrive or picassa
[YES] 8) basic editing like contrast, brightness etc.
[YES] 9) image deletion
[YES] 10) slide show capability (don't need fancy transitions).