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Rezizing a window with the pen?


Are you more successful than I am?
With the pen I go close to the resizing part of the window and see the double-arrow.
But when I touch the window with the pen the double-arrow disappears very often.
Is there a trick?
Ya. That's a problem. That's why I prefer a mouse for resizing. A mouse is much more reliable for using the double arrows. I keep my pen handy for selecting very small items but I other wise like to use a mouse. Maybe sometime down the road, Microsoft will make the pen more reliable for double arrow sizing.
I use the stock drivers. Havn't fiddled with anything at all, mine works fine.

If it's any consolation, ive used the keyboard maybe twice and i'm already getting that wonderful windows notification....this usb device has malfunctioned. MS are a long long long way away from offering a solid user experience, but they're getting there.
I'm on the latest firmware, so whichever the latest Video Driver that MS has released (August IIRC).