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Running RT apps on the Surface Pro?

would be nice if MS including an emulator with Pro so you could use apps build specifically for RT. My guess is porting from one system to the other isn't that difficult for most apps.
The actual RT apps won't run on the Surface Pro, however, compiling for x86 processors (instead of ARM) pretty much is one click for developers, so all the RT apps should be available for the Surface Pro, too (in the Windows App Store).
I don't know of any apps that ARM only, that is the biggest developer draw, is that when you create an app in Visual Studio 2012 it can recompile the app for either Architecture. Every App I use on the Surface is available on my Windows 8 machines...
Does the surface support the full .net framework? I know on previous ARM projects in VS you were limited to a subset of the .Net Framework, I haven't looked into this closely yet.
I'm not sure if supports the full .NET Framework, but at least a subset as it was updated on 11/13/2012
Yep, like Codevine and jnjroach said. The whole point of the new Windows 8 is to make it so developers can create one app that will work on the PC, RT and Windows Phones. While it is technically possible to make an app run on just one it would be silly. If the developer of the app doesn't support the other Windows platforms bug them until they do because the effort on their part is about as small as it gets.
OP - What's a gyp about the Modern UI Apps being able to run on ARM and x86? Or are you inferring that since x86/Win32 Applications can't run on ARM, x86 Machines shouldn't be able to run Modern UI apps? Just Confused by the gyp reply...