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Should I downgrade?


I currently have the SP4 i7 256 with 16 gb of ram. I don't know if I really need all that ram. The main purpose of the SP4 will be for video/photo editing. I occasionally play older games such as Command and Conquer Tiberian Wars, Battle Field 4. Should I downgrade to the 8gb ram model or maybe even the i5?
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If it was me, I'd keep it. The single biggest mistake I see people make with their computer purchases is to buy one for what they need now. Then when they ultimately are doing more a year later they suffer. You are somewhat future proofed.
Welcome to the forum

If it was me, I'd keep it. The single biggest mistake I see people make with their computer purchases is to buy one for what they need now. Then when they ultimately are doing more a year later they suffer. You are somewhat future proofed.
This is true. It happened with my previous surface. I demanded more from it as time went on. I was mainly concerned with the 16 gb of ram vs the 8gb. If I don't need the extra ram I could save $200