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So I bought a Surface Pro 2.

I thank god they put no bloatware/extra programs on the unit unlike every other computer company out there. As for the control center, why make another when they already have the mini control center built into the charms menu?

Ways to adjust brightness in one second, maybe 1.5 seconds if your slow :)

1) Click the power options Icon in your taskbar, Click "Adjust Screen Brightness", done

And an option for Modern tablet way:

Swipe from right of screen, touch settings, touch screen, done.

Quicker still for adjusting screen brightness I use Fn + Del to turn brightness up or Fn + Backspace to turn brightness down.
I've been using it more today and I changed the wallpaper to a more lighter one. The light that is bleeding through is too much for me now, its far to noticeable on a lighter background. I'm seriously considering exchanging it on Thursday. I did try to record the issue for people to see but my S4 finds it hard to capture it. It looks a million times worse in real life than it does through the camera. I'm not willing to give up on the device though it's just too good.
So it turned out my Surface Pro 2 was 1 day out of the "return to shop" warranty so I ended out sending it off to MS. Took 5 days for my replacement to arrive (from the date my Surface was picked up) which seems to only have 1 stuck pixel which is almost impossible to see. Most importantly it doesn't suffer from that white dot light-bleed issue I had. Also the unit came in a brown box but it looks brand new to me. So overall happy with the replacement service. I got another 4200U model though.. oh well can't win them all.
No reason why you shouldn't politely make it clear to MS that since the SP 2.5 is out, that you should have received the 4300. Speak to someone much higher up than a customer representative. Can't hurt to escalate it and make a bit of a stink, so you get your problem to a manager.

So it turned out my Surface Pro 2 was 1 day out of the "return to shop" warranty so I ended out sending it off to MS. Took 5 days for my replacement to arrive (from the date my Surface was picked up) which seems to only have 1 stuck pixel which is almost impossible to see. Most importantly it doesn't suffer from that white dot light-bleed issue I had. Also the unit came in a brown box but it looks brand new to me. So overall happy with the replacement service. I got another 4200U model though.. oh well can't win them all.
Calling it 2.5 does not make it so.

Excuse me, I don't recall replying to you or trying to help you. Maybe you have a 4200 and are annoyed the 4300 is out? Don't know but your comment was rather odd and will be ignored

I guess he's a little slow on the news around here! We have had a thread entitled what you called it and since it reached 9 pages I guess it was a popular subject! Btw I happen to now own one of these 2.5 units and to me it is a step up:big smile:
