Hi everyone!!
I'm new to the Surface forum! I'm really surprised there aren't more places to talk about the Surface online, since it's getting a lot of buzz and praise. Earlier this year, I started to hear a lot more about Surface Pro 2 and my feeling was to wait until they got very cheap..I hadn't really read up on them at that point so I assumed it was more towards the lower end of tablets and laptops. So I dismissed Surface for a while. Right now I have an iPad 1, iPad mini, MacBook, two low end windows laptops..3 if you count the one I busted foolishly with a glass of milk
. I also have all the major gaming systems and portables so yeah I am a tech head
. A few months back I thought it'd be a good idea to look into a gaming laptop, since not everything is released for consoles plus there's some somewhat older PC games I'd like to play. My two low end laptops are as low end as you can get..Windows XP on one and Windows 7 on the newer one. Both work well for surfing web plus music and videos stored on the HD but they're nowhere near enough for games. My thinking has turned to its time to get a decent gaming laptop so I started looking at them. Out of the gate, I noticed the higher end really good laptops are VERY expensive and they were out of my budget. By a lot. Then I looked at some middle end ones..at that point what you can run gets more and more limited. At that point I was pretty frustrated and not terribly happy with the prices I was seeing. Then the new Surface Pro 3 caught my eye! This time I really read up on it and holy crap did I get an eye opener! It's the best of the laptop and tablet worlds...much more powerful than my 2010 MacBook, has Windows 8 which would be hard to upgrade any of my pcs to. As I read I found out it can play most any PC game you throw at it very reliably! I wanted something extra portable, like my iPad where I can just plug in and go..not dig out laptop case, laptop, power brick etc. the Surface more than meets that requirement! So I'm now sold on one and picking it up from a Best Buy tomorrow afternoon..well this afternoon now haha.
The decision on which model to buy was agonizing. 128 GB is cheapest but that only has 4 GB of RAM. That's better than the MacBook but I wanted something faster. The 256 GB has 8 GB of RAM and that's kinda around where I was feeling it'd need to be in order to run a lot of games comfortably. I went back and forth on those two for literally 20 minutes just staring at them going back and forth. I ultimately decided on the i5 256 GB 8 GB one. It's a bit more than I'm comfortable paying but I figure this will last a while and hopefully be very reliable. I have an Xbox 360 Wireless pad so I'm all set!
I'm sitting here looking at the i7s right now.,I know I shouldn't be haha so I have a question. What would the difference between an i5 and i7 be for games? Enough to where I might just want to swallow hard and buy the i7 256? Or will i5 be enough for most games I would want to play? Please tell me i5 will be sufficient!! If I'm told i7 is better I know damn well I'll walk out with that!
Also, is there a noticeable difference in loading things with a SSD HD vs a regular? I've never actually seen a SSD run so I'm wondering.
Anyway, looking forward to later today and hoping I'm not talked into an i7 haha!
I'm new to the Surface forum! I'm really surprised there aren't more places to talk about the Surface online, since it's getting a lot of buzz and praise. Earlier this year, I started to hear a lot more about Surface Pro 2 and my feeling was to wait until they got very cheap..I hadn't really read up on them at that point so I assumed it was more towards the lower end of tablets and laptops. So I dismissed Surface for a while. Right now I have an iPad 1, iPad mini, MacBook, two low end windows laptops..3 if you count the one I busted foolishly with a glass of milk
The decision on which model to buy was agonizing. 128 GB is cheapest but that only has 4 GB of RAM. That's better than the MacBook but I wanted something faster. The 256 GB has 8 GB of RAM and that's kinda around where I was feeling it'd need to be in order to run a lot of games comfortably. I went back and forth on those two for literally 20 minutes just staring at them going back and forth. I ultimately decided on the i5 256 GB 8 GB one. It's a bit more than I'm comfortable paying but I figure this will last a while and hopefully be very reliable. I have an Xbox 360 Wireless pad so I'm all set!
I'm sitting here looking at the i7s right now.,I know I shouldn't be haha so I have a question. What would the difference between an i5 and i7 be for games? Enough to where I might just want to swallow hard and buy the i7 256? Or will i5 be enough for most games I would want to play? Please tell me i5 will be sufficient!! If I'm told i7 is better I know damn well I'll walk out with that!
Also, is there a noticeable difference in loading things with a SSD HD vs a regular? I've never actually seen a SSD run so I'm wondering.
Anyway, looking forward to later today and hoping I'm not talked into an i7 haha!