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SP3 black type cover and smudges... same deal for other colors?


New Member
Anyone find that the SP3 type cover is prone to smudges?
The matte finish seems to attract smudges from all sort of things. :eek:
I currently have the black one.
Can anyone with different colored covers provide some input for this?

I am somewhat overly compulsive when it come to how clean my tech looks. :D
I think it's pretty normal:


I have the red type cover and it also tends to smudge. It's just the nature of the material they used I suppose
is it smudges, like if you run your finger along a carpet the wrong way, or as in physical dirt?
But does this help in removing the smudges? I have the dark blue colour Type Cover and I can see smudges where the base of my palms touch the material. I noticed this on the Purple Type Cover of the Surface 2 as well. Never really tried the cleaning process as outlined in the link.

I haven't tried it, but the material looks like microfiber and if it is, it usually cleans well.

Give it a try see what happens, that's the quickest way to answer your question.
I haven't tried it, but the material looks like microfiber and if it is, it usually cleans well.

Give it a try see what happens, that's the quickest way to answer your question.

Well, I will when I know I can buy a replacement if I need it, whcih will be towards the end of August!
My red Type Cover gets dirty very easily, and I've found that I need to be gentle in cleaning it or the fabric (?) is easily worn. I'm just about past my initial two week "perfection" period, however, and so it's not bothering me as much. Still works as well as ever. :)
I have the red and I don't notice it getting dirty or smudges really. The outside velvet part can sometimes look dirty but its more the fibers getting brushed one direction. Kind of like vacuum lines on a carpet. The inside part cleans easy enough with a damp cloth.