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Surface name rumored to be replaced by HORRIBLE name Lumia.

Where do you get this info from? They don't know them as Nokia xxx, they know them as Lumia xxx - I know this because I work in the mobile industry and deal with clients all day who use a range of different devices, but anyone with a Lumia knows it is a Lumia.

I do as well. And those that do know the difference, butchers the name to Lumina. Which is why it shouldn't be adopted. It sounds weak and it's synonymous with the cheapo 520 on certain carriers like MetroPCS.

I think it's about as tarnished as Windows 8. They should ditch it and Lumia completely, along with all the different bazillion number schemes of their phones. Just horrible naming.
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Hopefully it'll be marketed in a way that it can continue to be available to meet your needs. Thanks for stopping by ;-)
First, as a member who has been here since Feb. 2013, I'm not just "stopping by," so no need to thank me.

Second, with the exception of Dell, I also couldn't care less who manufactures the "Surface" device. And if the Surface Pro didn't exist, then I'd buy a laptop that met my needs. It's that simple.

I care more about a device that meets my functional needs than I do about its name. It's that simple.
...They should ditch it and Lumia completely, along with all the different bazillion number schemes of their phones. Just horrible naming...
+1 for:
Surface Pro
Surface Phone

It would make more sense that they bought Nokia for the patents and not the name.
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First, as a member who has been here since Feb. 2013, I'm not just "stopping by," so no need to thank me.

Second, with the exception of Dell, I also couldn't care less who manufactures the "Surface" device. And if the Surface Pro didn't exist, then I'd buy a laptop that met my needs. It's that simple.

I care more about a device that meets my functional needs than I do about its name. It's that simple.

Normally, i'd agree. It's why I've supported Surface through all three generations so far.

This just stinks it up to the point that I feel disgusted. I am seriously thinking of ditching the brand if it happens. I don't care if it runs a week on battery and ties my shoe laces.
Normally, i'd agree. It's why I've supported Surface through all three generations so far.

This just stinks it up to the point that I feel disgusted. I am seriously thinking of ditching the brand if it happens. I don't care if it runs a week on battery and ties my shoe laces.
I am certainly not impartial when it comes to a product name and I personally do not like "Lumia" as a product name, but what my "Surface Pro" is capable of doing is more important to me than what it is named.

As long as a product name does not personally or morally offend me and it meets my needs, then I'll buy it.
Lets not get to worked up, these are rumors... mostly because Elop was put over the device arm and Julie Larson Greene who he replaced help champion the Surface. Lets wait for a bit before we get to worked up....
...I care more about a device that meets my functional needs than I do about its name. It's that simple...
I think this topic is more about branding and a rumored name change, not device functionality -- not that your >opinion< isn't important. Thanks though...
I think this topic is more about branding and a rumored name change, not device functionality -- not that your >opinion< isn't important. Thanks though...
We do not disagree here; that's why I clearly stated that I care more about functionality than I do name. Still on-topic, but nonetheless a non-important opinion I care to share, like all other non-important opinions being shared on this site and thread.