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Surface Pro 2 - MetroUI background not the same as Desktop


New Member
Hi guys

Has anyone encountered the issue where the background of the MetroUI is the default background, and no matter what background the Desktop has, the MetroUI background stays the same? I'm aware that this isn't supposed to be, and would like to know how to resolve this issue.

Thank you
while at the start menu, swipe from the right and hit Personalize. From there you should be able to change the background, and the tile on the bottom right should mirror your desktop background.
while at the start menu, swipe from the right and hit Personalize. From there you should be able to change the background, and the tile on the bottom right should mirror your desktop background.

Thanks for the reply.

The issue I'm describing should be illustrated with the below 2 images:


As you can see, the background of the metroUI is different to that of the desktop. Since I own the Surface Pro 2, shouldn't the metroUI background match that of the desktop?
Right click the task bar in desktop. Select the navigation tab, and ensure the "show my desktop background on Start" is ticked.

That should solve the problem
As you can see, the background of the metroUI is different to that of the desktop. Since I own the Surface Pro 2, shouldn't the metroUI background match that of the desktop?

Whether it should or not isn't really the right term to use. It can, but it's not set to do so by default. You need to do precisely what dRuEFFECT said to get this to work. All but the bottom right hand tile won't do this, so you need to make sure you've selected the right one.
Right click the task bar in desktop. Select the navigation tab, and ensure the "show my desktop background on Start" is ticked.

That should solve the problem

Whether it should or not isn't really the right term to use. It can, but it's not set to do so by default. You need to do precisely what dRuEFFECT said to get this to work. All but the bottom right hand tile won't do this, so you need to make sure you've selected the right one.

I was not aware that this was not done by default. Thanks a lot!