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Surface pro 3 external optical drive


New Member
Is there an external optical drive that will work with the surface pro 3?

I bought a LG GP50NB40 from Amazon and it worked at first with one USB (installed office), but then when I tried to install the Sims 2, it kept ejecting itself. I eventually got an "overloaded USB port" message.

I bought a USB Y cable (with a USB female end and 2 USB male ends) and tried plugging the drive into the female connector with one male end into the surface USB and the other male end into the USB port on the power supply. The drive booted up, but the surface didn't detect it.

Obviously, this drive will not work with the surface and I'm getting ready to return it to Amazon.

I don't use disks often, but for burning an occasional movie and installing software, I'd like to have one available.

Does anyone have any suggestions for one that will work with the surface? Thanks!
it might be because the SP3 doesn't have sufficient power to run the drive, what I suggest is a powered USB hub.
it might be because the SP3 doesn't have sufficient power to run the drive, what I suggest is a powered USB hub.
Thanks for the reply. From what I've read, plugging a USB Y cable into the surface pro 3 power adaptor usb port should have been enough to power it. Maybe I got the wrong drive or wrong usb y cable?

Do you know of any powered usb hubs that use a USB to power rather than a DC power adaptor? I'd like to just be able to plug it into the surface 3 power adaptor usb port or even an external battery pack to power it.
At this point using USB to power a HUB rather than DC power would defeat the purpose. With the new Type C USB ports that might be possible but the Surface doesn't have one.