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Surface Pro Features available to VBA?


New Member
We are very excited about the Surface Pro with Windows 8. However, our purchases rest upon whether or not certain features of the tablet, such as the camera, are accessible via VBA, specifically Access Databases (Office 2010 version). If VBA cannot use the extra features, can VB (2008 and beyond)?

Thanks to anyone who responds!
You got me lost there... camera access using MS Access?

In order to access the camera, for example, you need to make a call to the class and invoke its methods. You can do that in Javascript, C#, VB (not VBA), just pick your poison.
Thank you so very much for your quick reply. I know I can create classes in VBA so I would assume it shouldn't be difficult to call to an "outside" class' methods. properties. I'll research that aspect further. But, eventually I know we can access the camera through VB, so thanks for the help!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeezzzzooooooooommmmmmmm. That was the sound of a topic going way over my head.
We are very excited about the Surface Pro with Windows 8. However, our purchases rest upon whether or not certain features of the tablet, such as the camera, are accessible via VBA, specifically Access Databases (Office 2010 version). If VBA cannot use the extra features, can VB (2008 and beyond)?

Thanks to anyone who responds!

I'm pretty sure it's just a webcam (two of them). Can you access the built-in webcam on a laptop from VB? This I don't know, but I can't imagine that the answer is any different.


Sent from Boards for Windows on Windows 8
I'm not sure why you would restrict yourself to just using VBA. You should be able to create an add-in for access using VB.Net if you need to.