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Type cover problems?


New Member
I appear to be having problems with the type cover, it will simply stop accepting keystrokes for several seconds and then start up again, and it is becoming very annoying.

Also, I can open it up and detach the cover to put in my password and just use as a tablet, but the surface then won't bring up the on screen keyboard like it thinks the cover is still attached.

I appear to be fully up to date

Anyone else having these issues?


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1. Are you usingit on a table with kickstand?
2. Is it connected tothe tablet correctly?
3. With RT on flatsurface with Type cover correctly attached close the Type Cover until thescreen goes blank. Reopen (tablet screenwill turn back on) and test.
1. Are you usingit on a table with kickstand?
2. Is it connected tothe tablet correctly?
3. With RT on flatsurface with Type cover correctly attached close the Type Cover until thescreen goes blank. Reopen (tablet screenwill turn back on) and test.

I have had the problem both on solid surfaces and with it laying next to me in bed.

It is connected properly, as I always make sure that I have the loud "click" when it connects.

Went through the test that you proposed in number 3 but had the problem occur within minute. Problem seems worst in Word but does occur in Internet Explorer

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Ive had to reconnect then disconnect the touch keyboard to get the one screen one to appear a couple of times.
I appear to be having problems with the type cover, it will simply stop accepting keystrokes for several seconds and then start up again, and it is becoming very annoying.

Also, I can open it up and detach the cover to put in my password and just use as a tablet, but the surface then won't bring up the on screen keyboard like it thinks the cover is still attached.

I appear to be fully up to date

Anyone else having these issues?


Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

I've been having these exact problems. I'm assuming there's no fix yet? The only real suggestion from Microsoft is to exchange it.