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Updating to Windows 10 Error


Active Member
Out of room error

I'm trying to go from 8.1 to Windows 10 and Drive C has 650 gigs free but Drive D, the restore Drive only have 2.3 gigs free.

When I run the check it states enough storage and all the other tests pass so it starts the download process. About 30 minutes to an hour later it fails as it is out of space and Drive D only has megs left.

So is there a way to force the upgrade to download to Drive C?
Something isn't quite right with your figures or you left out some explanation somewhere. Firstly, C should be the OS drive, secondly how can you have 650GB free on a SP3?

It sounds like, in any case, you should use the MediaCreatioTool to make an ISO on a USB thumb drive and use that to upgrade.
Lee it isn't a SP3... It's an HP laptop but how do I point the download to Drive C? I'm doing this for my boss and don't have a thumb drive on me.
Mickey: It would have been nice had you mentioned it wasn't a Surface in the first place. But there is still something not right about the configuration. The default OS drive on HP laptops is still C drive. You may want to check to see if there is a substitute (subst) command being executed somewhere making D the default boot. Something still doesn't sound right. This may be a question better posted on an HP forum.