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Volume level has dropped off


I was surprised that my Surface 2 had great volume level when I purchased it. NOT NOW. 100% setting is not as good as 60% used to be. Any suggestion?
Yeah... I noticed this too. Oddly though, over headphones, the sounds levels are fine. I think there is another firmware coming up to fix this, among other things, soon! Or, at least, I hope so!
Turn off Audio Enhancements. Press Start - then type "sounds" and launch the Change System Sounds. Then go to the Playback tab. Touch the speakers and choose Properties. Go to the last tab and uncheck the audio enhancements.

Then restart the tablet. The sound is okay - still a little quiet, but better than before. Hopefully MS will release a firmware update to solve soon.
Oh god, i was thinking the same today after seeing a few videos. Since i bought my S2 two months ago I was pretty sure that my S2 was louder than my ipad, but somehow that perception changed this days.... might be the last firmware update? Pretty strange because if that was the case a lot of users would be complaining.
Oh god, i was thinking the same today after seeing a few videos. Since i bought my S2 two months ago I was pretty sure that my S2 was louder than my ipad, but somehow that perception changed this days.... might be the last firmware update? Pretty strange because if that was the case a lot of users would be complaining.

A few other forums on which the Surface 2 is discussed also have threads complaining about this.
It is not much better with enhancements off and it definitely has degraded with firmware updates. I completely agree that it used to have better sound than Ipad Eljoe.
Netflix won't even work with enhancements off.
Hopefully Microsoft reads these forums.
It is not much better with enhancements off and it definitely has degraded with firmware updates. I completely agree that it used to have better sound than Ipad Eljoe.
Netflix won't even work with enhancements off.
Hopefully Microsoft reads these forums.

Ahh, so it's not just me then! :p

I too am experiencing a sudden reduction in volume, and I'm also receiving the error about audio enhancements causing 'problems' when I attempt to access the Playback Devices control panel.

Whatever the last driver package / firmware update did, it introduced a problem of some kind. Course it's sorta still early days in the grand scheme of things. The first 'patch tuesday' came only a few weeks after the Surface 2 release. Hopefully the December update will resolve these issues.
Well I did the "Refresh PC without affecting files" and the sound level has improved like new. Don't know why?
This isn't an official MS forum, so people should report buggered up updates and bugs to the official discussion boards (link in sig, look for related threads or start a new thread). That said, I don't know what refreshing does exactly in relation to existing patches, but if that seems to have fixed it, perhaps that's an option until a fix comes down the pipe, unless you can live with it by turning up the volume...
Hi All.. I am new to surface. Liking it so far. Also noticed the sound issue. I definitely noticed it was louder when I first purchased. For example youtube is almost not usable due to this issue. I was able to fix this on my device.

I went to device manager - then sound - Choose NVIDEA TEGRA AUDIO - PROPERTIES - DRIVER - ROLLBACK

It will rollback to the Oct 13th driver. It will make you reboot.

This solved my issue. It is back to being loud without straining.