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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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Active Member
The 147 bt/wifi issue occurs when idle for too long, sleep and hibernate. My workaround right now is powering off when not using. Lol


Staff member
@Arizona Willie

The biometric login made a brief appearance in a previous Build.
I put these pics together for a bit of fun:

Screenshot (11).png

Screenshot (8).png

Screenshot (9).png

Screenshot (10).png

Jay Parisi

Wondering if anybody else sees this.

On 10130, the surface USB ethernet adapter keeps switching to disabled. If I try to switch it back to enabled, nothing, Have to re-insert.
Also, it seems if I dock the Surface and then start it, sometimes it will just hang on the "Surface" screen. Starting it un-docked seems to be reliable.


Seriously? Nice. What channel are you using to access Win 10? MSDN/ Insider?
Are you using an SP3? or SP1/2?
You are going to be disappointed when the biometric login doesn't work with Surface Pro anyway....
And I agree, 10147 makes me happily say farewell to 8.1
Is there a faster shortcut key to do that? I am new on Win8 and hate having to go to the Charms bar to do so.
The 147 bt/wifi issue occurs when idle for too long, sleep and hibernate. My workaround right now is powering off when not using. Lol
Intel new TrueKey works


Well-Known Member
Retina scanning will be available on W10 but it doesn't mean that it will be available on all machines that have W10 installed. Retina scanning will require special hardware to use that capability.

Arizona Willie

Active Member
I just discovered the " True Key " is a subscription service.


forget that

sell me a unit for $200 and it's mine forever and works forever or forget it.
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