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Wireless Keyboard Adapter for SP3 and all my stuff

If I get the time I will pick up the Logitech K810 this morning and let you know what I think compared to the Microsoft Wedge.


Just bought a K810 and first impressions are this is a great piece of kit.

I like the fact that it is slightly larger with a bit of space between the keys.

Yes, I like the idea of connecting to my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for when I am not able to use the SP3.

Will keep you posted once I have worked at it in earnest, but first impressions I really to like it.

Best regards

Hi all,

24 hours later and I can definitely report that the Logitech K810 is a much better keyboard than the Microsoft Wedge.

The whole keyboard is larger and more akin to a full size one. The keys being separated make for easier typing. I feel I may have to say it is definitely superior! I am sure it won't have the 'staying' power of the Wedge in terms of battery, but reckon it will be more than enough. As I fit all my kit along with leads and power supplies in my Evernote Triangle Commuter bag, I will have no problem charging the keyboard even on the move if it needs it.

Anyone want to buy a Microsoft Wedge keyboard and mouse!!



well i got the wireless surface keyboard adapter and now I see why they say it is incompatible with the sp3.

it works for the most part, but two-finger scrolling on the touchpad is not relayed.
Yes, I just now checked and noticed that the Wireless Keyboard Adapter does not respect gestures on the trackpad. Until you brought it up, @mtalinm, I did not notice this previously, because I often use a mouse or the touch screen when using the wireless keyboard.
To bad Microsoft does not let the public know what projects are in the works. Looks like this adapter would be another one for updating. Or perhaps a system update can fix that issue.
I mostly use a mouse, so odds are it wouldn't affect me much, but it would be nice to use all features if the need arises.
here is a fun use case for the wireless keyboard adapter - Surface screen in portrait mode. great for editing documents!

I just discovered about this wireless adapter while watching a video comparing the SP3 to the HPEnvy (Mobile tech review). I thought it was odd I couldn't find it on the microsoft store and then found this thread... so it's been discontinued... bummer!