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Xbox Surface?


New Member
Any thoughts on the rumor of the 7" Xbox Surface?

I, for one, think that would be awesome, and this would kill the PSP and DS3.
It wouldn't kill the Vita or the 3DS for the simple fact that a 7" tablet is big and we don't know yet if it will feature actual controls ala the Wii U's game pad or just a touch screen. Definitely cool though and I'll get one when it's released, I love being an early adopter and all :) Let's hope this gets Microsoft to release a Bluetooth Xbox controller so we can use it on our Surface too!
A BT controler would be great. I don't know how big the Vita is in the US, but here in Europe I havnt seen them around, and hardly anyone has the 3DS. Something similar to the Wii U would be nice. maybe have it integrate with the 720 in the same way, but allow you to take the games with you instead of needing to be within a certain distance.