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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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Your problem is likely OneDrive related. You should still be able to browse to other photo locations, if you have previously been storing photos locally outside of the OneDrive folder.

Build 9879 has changed the way OneDrive works, in that a computer's OneDrive folder no longer shows a full inventory of files available locally, and in OneDrive. Instead, the OneDrive folder will only show files which are local, which may or may not be synchronized to the OneDrive cloud.

To see the union of all synchronized files from all devices , access the OneDrive website (OneDrive.com).

The above is a change from previous builds, and apparently represents the way Microsoft plans to implement OneDrive under Windows 10. But that means that your Photos MUI App OneDrive access will be broken; Message "Your System Administrator has blocked the use of OneDrive". Even though YOU may be the System Administrator, this link will be broken until the Photos MUI app is re-written for the new OneDrive access.

I hope this is helpful

View attachment 4499


Thanks for the explanation. Can you please explain the bit about the kind of files that are now visible in the OneDrive folder on the computer? If the folder now shows ALL files, then aside from visiting the OneDrive website, how is one to know which files are sync'd and available for off-line viewing? What happens if I only have ALL files on OneDrive set up for offline viewing, but these files are only a subset of ALL files on my computer? If the OneDrive folder shows ALL files on my computer but not ALL OneDrive sync'd files which are also enabled for off-line viewing, how can I make out the difference between such files (and presumably folders)? Thanks in advance.
Only the files or folders that have files synced show up now, they say they are working on a solution.
Oh. OK. Thanks. But wasn't there also some talk about how they are planning to change how placeholders work in OneDrive in the Win 10 context?
Yes.... it has more to due with unifying OneDrive and OneDrive for Business into the same Sync Engine and looks like the Business Version is the choice, how the online only data will be represented is still TBD...
Yes.... it has more to due with unifying OneDrive and OneDrive for Business into the same Sync Engine and looks like the Business Version is the choice, how the online only data will be represented is still TBD...

Thanks. Where can I find out how OneDrive for Business works and the difference between it and OneDrive for personal use?
On weekends I find more time to put Windows 10 Technical Preview and the Surface Pro 3 to the test.
I am amazed at the improvements Build 9879 brings over previous builds, and also Windows 8.1 .

Here's the workflow from today:
- Used both Logmein and Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection to login to my massive work PC. Remote Desktop Connection (free) worked much more smoothly than LogMeIn (which I pay for). The opposite was true in previous builds. I tried this same thing yesterday, but thought it was a fluke. Nope. Better performance sticking with native Microsoft wares. Will have to re-think the money I pay for LogMeIn.
- VPN using Cisco Secure AnyConnect to the office to get access to shared drives. Wonderful performance. This was broken in previous builds. Cisco software has not been updated.
- Excel spreadsheet work including iterative VB and Python macros. Excellent performance. Glad to have my pen working. Comfortable and smooth pinching and zooming gestures, also. The Caps Lock bug in Build 9879 annoys me though.
- Referred to the Periodic Table for some XRay diffraction data. This hefty app runs smoother than on Windows 8.1, and has not been updated.
- Paid bills online, printed specific pages from a large Dropbox document accessed online using Adobe reader.
- Read the latest MacLife magazine issue using Zinio.
- Played a 3 minute video (.mov) from OneDrive (online).
- Posted this.

Besides the above, I compulsively checked for Windows updates multiple times.

I am a Mac guy who loves this machine, and how Windows 10 works on it.
Photos of my setup are here and here.

The political world behaves and looks much simpler than it is, when displayed by Windows 10.
Screenshot (184).png

The Start Menu metaphor is working for me.
Screenshot (185).png

Great performance with this Periodic Table MUI app, compared to previous Builds and Windows 8.1 . The URL launches are snappy. The App has not been updated, and neither has my WiFi connection or environment.
Screenshot (182).png

Screenshot (183).png
Only the files or folders that have files synced show up now, they say they are working on a solution.

Btw, does this not mean that either (1) a user would need rock-solid connectivity all the time and (2) if a user wanted to have all files/ folder on OneDrive for offline viewing, the local storage requirements would shoot up exponentially, which on a device like the SP3 would be a problem?
Btw, does this not mean that either (1) a user would need rock-solid connectivity all the time and (2) if a user wanted to have all files/ folder on OneDrive for offline viewing, the local storage requirements would shoot up exponentially, which on a device like the SP3 would be a problem?
No, it syncs when online just like OneDrive consumer....but yes currently with Windows 10 and OneDrive for Business you would need to enough space to have everything offline....
No, it syncs when online just like OneDrive consumer....but yes currently with Windows 10 and OneDrive for Business you would need to enough space to have everything offline....

Thanks. That would be a big problem, I think. I do hope MS keeps in mind the natural restrictions associated with mobile devices, which is lack of local storage. I just hope they don't come with any of their characteristically odd (and sometimes stupid) rationalizations on this matter.
Finally gave up on Windows 10 on my SP3. Still using it on my desktop. As much as I like Windows 10, it is not a touch screen friendly program, im0. It is, however, again imo, far superior to 8.1 on the desktop. I hope continuum will make it a better touch experience than 8.1. If not for those if us with Surfaces, it will be a major disappointment.
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