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Looks like Microsoft is going all in with Best Buy


Active Member
We stopped by the best buy earlier today to pick up something. From outside the store, I spotted this.


So, we entered the store and I saw this.


The samsung and galaxy stuff are toward the front. When I walked closer to the computers section, I saw this.


From another angle.


Looks like MS has taken like 80% of the computing devices section. What's more, I looked over to my left and saw this.


Even though the ipad's been bumped to the side, there's a surface pro 3 right next to it even though the surface pro 3 is already in the front.

MS is trying to make a come back. You guys think this will work?
yea I was in BB today and they even had MICROSOFT TECHS in the store on site! I was like...kool! about friggin time! lol should have taken pics of their blue shirts but i didn't wanna come off as "weirdo"
It isn't Best Buy as much as it's Microsoft. Microsoft was late to the game to participate in the 'store-within-a-store' program. Apple and Samsung have been doing it for a while, and all 3 of them pay dearly for it... Microsoft started leasing their spaces in June of 2013 and are rolling out 500 in the US and 100 in Canada:
Last year's tech news said:
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Yea, I think it's MS courting BB, not the other way around.
Like a grocery store, it's all about 'shelf space' and what's at eye-level. I doubt Leveno or Dell are contributing to BB's bottom line (before sales). I wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing happening in Staples or Office Depot.... (if MS's pockets are deep enough).
That's good, although shame it's hidden away at the back! All the Best Buy stores closed in the UK... hardly any Microsoft presence anywhere over here which is a real shame.
Always seemed to me that Microsoft AND Apple were only interested in opening their own stores in major cities, thus losing potential sales in rural areas. Microsoft is smart, even if you don't buy a Surface, having a Microsoft presence in stores like BB, overwhelms Apple, because every other PC or laptop sold there is running Windows. I think the reason their area is in the back, is to weed out the Android cell and tablet people in the front of the store for a quick sale, funneling the serious buyers to the rear.... Ha Ha
That's good, although shame it's hidden away at the back! All the Best Buy stores closed in the UK... hardly any Microsoft presence anywhere over here which is a real shame.

so let me get this straight.... you have NO BB AT ALL in the UK? wow why is that?

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