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Surface Pro 2 1.9 CPU Lot Numbers


Active Member
Some think it doesn't matter but some think that it does. So if this doesn't matter to you, please ignore this thread and let the rest of us enjoy the research!

The only identifying mark so far is that user "Jollywombat" mentioned that his new Surface Pro 2 with the updated 1.9 processors has a Lot Number of 1351. My model the 128 SP2 has the old 1.6 processors and my Lot Number is 1341. Please take a minute to list which model you have and whether or not you have the new updated 1.9 speed processors. This is in reference to the following article. Surface Pro 2.5 i5 4300U 1.9 Ghz 2.5 Ghz - Microsoft Community

As an update of 3 pages of thread results it strongly appears that the new 4300u processor starts with Lot 1350 so if you get Lot 1349 or lower you will get the older/original 4200u processor.
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I bought an SP2 256 GB December 10 and lot number was 1343, 4200U version. I'm pretty sure the lot number is merely the last 2 digits of the year + the week number. If Jollywombat had a lot number of 1351, it means that any SP2 made at least after Dec. 22 or so has the 4300U, assuming that all manufacturing plants are following the same schedule. I went in to exchange mine but they only had lot number 1350: I'm glad that I didn't do the swap since I thought that it was too borderline. I think I'm going to wait a week before I try to exchange again to make sure that I'm seeing new stock.
Wow. This is incredible. I know I shouldn't be wanting the new processor... but, man, it does make me think about a return. Hmm. Wonder what the real world difference would be for gaming? Like 1-2 frames per second better or 10 better? The former is moot. The later would be significant.
Maybe it is more than the faster processor. I have the 4200u and have the screen flicker issue, so I have turned off the "Display power saving options" and "Extend battery life for gaming option". I have updated my graphics display driver. Sure the screen flicker is gone but I'm wondering if the issue is even there on the 4300u?

Sorry I didn't think of this last night!
No idea if 1350 has the 4300U or not but the earliest Geekbench benchmark featuring a 4300U is from Dec. 28:
Surface pro 2 - Geekbench Search - Geekbench Browser

It's possible that a SP2 made in the week of Dec. 15 has the 4300U but I just thought it was not a high enough chance given the meagre info that we have.

The move from a 4200U to 4300U is actually pretty significant. It's a 300 MHz clockspeed increase which results in roughly a 17% increase in performance according to synthetic benchmark Passmark:
www.cpubenchmark.net (you'll have to find the numbers there yourself)

The integrated graphics is also clocked 10% higher. Not a huge jump but still 2-3 fps more for free.

Only downside is that it might drain more battery if you're pushing the processor and maxing out its clockspeed which should not be very often unless you're playing a game or rendering a video or other fairly taxing task.
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I went to Best Buy this afternoon since that is where I purchased mine on 12/30. I told them about my dimming screen and the Lot 1351. They looked through all 8 128gb units and had 1 that was Lot 1351 and gladly swapped with me. The rest were 1348 and 1350. I am in the process of re-setting it up now but I will report back as to whether or not I have to apply all the fixes that I had to before to counter the screen dimming effect or not.

And yes this Lot 1351 is definitively running 1.9 on the 4300!:big smile:
Just bought sp2 256gb from Ms local store today.
lot#1350 I got the CPU 4300u with 1.9ghz-2.5ghz

So now it looks like Lot 1350 might be safe for the updated processor as well. It is worth a shot if it is the newest available. Oh and so far I am not experiencing any screen flicker/dimming like before but I know that could be just my device so maybe others can respond to differences you notice.

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