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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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Having read every entry in this thread since the beginning it has occurred to me in the past few weeks, over the course of recent builds, that Microsoft REALLY should have deferred to this forum's denizens when it comes to UX. :D

[running, ducking for cover]

MS doesn't listen to public opinion, they try to shape it. It's the, "If you build it they will come..." mentality. Sadly, this rarely works. MS tried to shift the paradigm with W8 and the result is now W7 2015 - a.k.a W10 (which is what people really wanted all along). I remain ever hopeful as I'm so fully invested in the MS ecosystem I have no choice but to be. But then again, I still run Access 2003 (IMHO the last decent version of Access).

I am doubtful W10 will be all I want it to be - but it will be pretty good and I'll use it as my daily driver, warts and all. :)
i'd love to update my 41 to 61, but sadly that doesn't work well in a .vhdx (native boot, not vm) Error 0x80070542
Guess i'll update with the next ISO and test the w10 backup & restore functionality.

on another note.... anyone using the Windows 10 Tech Preview Enterprise Edition?
No, I have W10 on one SSD and W8 on another SSD and both are plugged into the SATA ports on the motherboard.

I just go into the UEFI ( used to be BIOS ) and tell it which drive to boot from.

I assume you mean you have an external USB drive that you have W10 on and you can boot to it.
No, I have W10 on one SSD and W8 on another SSD and both are plugged into the SATA ports on the motherboard.

I just go into the UEFI ( used to be BIOS ) and tell it which drive to boot from.
That is actually a smart move.
The way the boot manager works (I guess since it is a UEFI and not a BIOS) is it actually boots to the default OS and then shows you the boot manager screen. If you pick the default it goes right to the logon screen. If you pick the other it re-boots to that OS. Well on the 1st build of Win10 I had Win10 as the default, and one time it wouldn't boot. Since it wouldn't boot to the default OS it wouldn't go the boot manager screen so I couldn't even choose to boot to Win8.

I can't even tell you how I fixed it. I panicked. I held the power button down for more than 15 seconds, I tried to two button boot, I tried holding down the volume down button to boot from a USB. The boot manager screen came up and I quickly changed the option to have Win 8 the default OS; I can't even tell you which of what I tried worked I tried so many things so fast in a panic.

Well I kept Win8 as the default OS so I could always boot to that, but now after several builds that have all worked fairly well for me, I've gotten bold and have Win10 back as the default. But I know this is a set up for a possible disaster.
Your way gives you 100% control over which HD and which OS you boot to.
on another note.... anyone using the Windows 10 Tech Preview Enterprise Edition?

I've been on Enterprise edition from the start since October. Same features as normal edition as I'm on the fast track. Was updated to build 10061 earlier this week and everything seems stable. As Gabe mentioned in the Insider hub app, there are some issues which I've confirmed on the build. Eventually there will be some slight differences but I don't know what these are yet.

Anything particular you're running into, or a question you have regarding Enterprise edition?
Just did a semi-clean install of Win10 to my SP3/128. That is, 10041 clean then immediately updated to 10061 before installing anything. All is working fine so far, except Music...neither XBox Music nor the Music Preview load any of my music. I've double-checked the locations, and other music apps (VLC, MediaMonkey, MusicBee on the desktop) find music without difficulty. Some of my music is on the internal SSD, some on the SD card.

I have some other questions as well (I've been on 8.1 for the last few months, but there's enough in Win10 now that I really want to try out) but I'll just search through the forums for awhile to see if they've been asked before.
Icons for battery and wifi disappeared in the status bar and I cant find any obvious setting to get them back. Help?
Same as Windows 8.1, right click in the task tray or taskbar and select properties on the Taskbar Tab next notifications select Customize....
I tried installing Visio 2013 Pro last night and Setup Bootstrapper kept crashing. Seems like an issue that used to exist and the only way around is to completely re-install office.
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