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Apple friendly CNET give the crown to MS


iPad Pro vs. Surface Pro 4 video - CNET

Still a bit more forgiving of the failings in the Apple offering in my opinion.

A giant smart phone (without the phone part) vs. a more powerful and a fully OS capable device should have resulted in a much more lop-sided score, but hey, it's about as unbiased as you're going to get from them.
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I'll bet Tim Cook regrets make the statement equating the iPad Pro as a replacement for PC's. For some of the earlier baby-boomers, maybe -- but not in general. That being said, I think this site is more about the Surface line of products as opposed to the whole platform comparison rabbit-hole... :rolleyes:
However, this was more of a post about CNET. It's nice to see lower amounts of bias toward competing innovations in technology.
However, this was more of a post about CNET. It's nice to see lower amounts of bias toward competing innovations in technology.
The post's title included the word CNET, but nothing in the content was CNET specific. I've not really considered CNET to be all that great a resource for anything but topical tech info, regardless of platform. Even less so since they were purchased by CBS. They're mostly fluff.
ONLY the entire first sentence of my post, and then the second half of the only Other sentence was about CNET, but yeah... nothing else :rolleyes: