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Arc Touch Surface Edtiion Mouse not working Windows 7?


New Member
Glad to find you all here - I'm sure there is a wiz that can help me with this. So I've had several Arc Touch mice (with the RF transceivers) for a long time with my Win7 x64 laptops. We bought a few SE bluetooth mice recently and I'm using them on my MacBook Pros running Win7 in Parallels and they seem to work great as they are pairing on the Mac side. I wanted to use it on my Win7 laptops (Samsung Series 9 ultrabooks) and they are pairing fine, but then they never actually "connect" I've tried clean installs, adding the MS Keyboard\Mouse and Intellipoint apps, etc. My IT guys said they're see the same problem on the Lenovos at work as well.

The specs say they're compatible with Win7 and I've seen folks reference them working on here. Can anyone tell me if they ran into this and solved it?
It is a Surface Arc Mouse, not a PC Arc mouse, specially made to complement the Surface machines. There is no provision for it to be used with anything but a Surface.

There are similar mice for PC's in general within the Microsoft range. Perhaps you could return the mouse, explaining the predicament and exchange it for a similar mouse which would work on either system type..
It is a Surface Arc Mouse, not a PC Arc mouse, specially made to complement the Surface machines. There is no provision for it to be used with anything but a Surface.

There are similar mice for PC's in general within the Microsoft range. Perhaps you could return the mouse, explaining the predicament and exchange it for a similar mouse which would work on either system type..

Okay, yeah, Best Buy's detail says compatible with Bluetooth 4 enabled PCs and tablets, but you're right - I don't see such a statement by MS. I love how MS says they're a product company, amongst other things, but as with my MS webcam compatibility has been a PITA.

Thanks for the info. Would love to hear from one of the Win7 folks that has gotten it working in case I can't exchange it.
Sorry but the mouse should still work, just like the mouse that's made for a PC can still work on the surface, it SHOULD work vice versa also. To properly get the laptop to connect to the mouse you cannot set the connection via add "devices and printers" control panel because it will pair up BUT won't work. You have to pair the devices VIA the Bluetooth control panel only. Then it should work with no problems. Also make sure your laptop has a Bluetooth to begin with! LOL ;0)