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Band 2

Yup, that would have been handy. I don't think I'll be picking one of these up though, hardly any different to the first version other than the design!
So Band 3 will be the sweet spot... why don't they just make that from the start and stop all this messing around. :D
To be honest I would love to get the Gear S2, man that thing looks fantastic and it's actually a decent size too! Just sucks it isn't compatible with iOS :( maybe they'll release an Android Wear version eventually... not holding my breath though as Samsung's kind of greedy.

Some pics from store visit. HR accuracy seems to be better than Charge HR and it shows up quicker.
Kayzee, avoid Samsung Tizen. Nobody is bothering to develop apps, data is proprietary. I wont touch another Samsung watch again.
I'd like to get one, but am still undecided. My Band One is still working good.

Mine still going strong, too. And I put it to very heavy use, since release day.

In fact, the first day I had it, I dove into a pool (saltwater) and after a few strokes, realized I had it on. Band wouldn't power up for two days. On the third day, all was well. Still is.

And it took me four months before I realized that when an mail or message comes in, the first sentences are recited to me after pressing one of the lower buttons. Duh. I was only going on the 'subject' line before that.

Because of that experience, I want the latest of such a wonderful device, and have pre-ordered a Band 2.
Mine still going strong, too. And I put it to very heavy use, since release day.

In fact, the first day I had it, I dove into a pool (saltwater) and after a few strokes, realized I had it on. Band wouldn't power up for two days. On the third day, all was well. Still is.

And it took me four months before I realized that when an mail or message comes in, the first sentences are recited to me after pressing one of the lower buttons. Duh. I was only going on the 'subject' line before that.

Because of that experience, I want the latest of such a wonderful device, and have pre-ordered a Band 2.

I asked hubby to get me one for Christmas because I don't really need one. ;)
I pre- ordered the Band 2 because I'm really really happy with my original Band. Yes it wasn't perfect in regards to design but as a fitness wearable it was unbeatable. I'm an avid fitness enthusiast (running, sprints, wieght training, cross training) and found Fitbits to be extremely inaccurate. Returned 2 of them before getting the MSFT Band.

Right now I'm sticking with Microsoft Band (2). It is a phenomenal fitness wearable and crushes the Fitbits in accuracy
I really like the workout feature - accurately records pulse and time.

I had the FitBit Flex for a year before the Band. Okay, but recording of steps and estimating calories was way off for me.

I am a daily workout person. The Band is a classy, comfortable reminder to exercise, and a good recorder of progress.
Kayzee, avoid Samsung Tizen. Nobody is bothering to develop apps, data is proprietary. I wont touch another Samsung watch again.

I have Tizen on my TV... it's a frustrating experience sometimes :mad: it's a shame actually as I wanted Android TV from Sony, but the TV I was after just wasn't released in time; in fact it took an extra 6 months to come out!

Tomorrow marks 6 months since the UK release of the original Band... I just can't be upgrading after such little time! Might wait for Band 3, or just see what else is out around end of 2016/2017.