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Big uh oh... Really Big Uh oh.


New Member
Well, I copied the recovery partition to USB drive and guess what. My roommate formatted the dag on card and now when I attempt to create another one well, its only about 512MB. You Know, he and I could fight right now.

Not sure where you can get another copy. I'm sure you can find it online. I prefer to keep everything on the system so it is hassle free if ever I need to restore my system. It's not worth it for me to get the extra memory
Thanks, I actually quit searching. After an exhausting search I figured MS will include a recovery partition with the release of 8.1. This time I'll lock my recovery USB and back it up on my external HDD.
can you use any backup? I made one and have it on a USB stick and my pc, maybe you can use mine if I can get it to you?
Yeah, I would be looking for another roomate. He would be toast.

Well, I copied the recovery partition to USB drive and guess what. My roommate formatted the dag on card and now when I attempt to create another one well, its only about 512MB. You Know, he and I could fight right now.
