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Burnt Pixel on screen....NOOOOOOOOOO!


New Member
It sucks! This morning, while looking for some new apps in the app store, I notice that my surface has a burnt/dead pixel :( Lucky for me this was as Christmas present, and the extended return period lasts until Jan/31 (today). I'm going to head over to their local brick and mortar store this even (appointment booked for 7:45) and I will see how Microsoft employees handle the situation. I have had a number of Iphones over the years, so I'm used to the apple service....so we will see if Microsoft can match and or exceed the customer service that apple offers in their stores. Also, I will try and figure what they would have done if this was warranty issue over an exchange (replace screen/give me referb/ship it out for service)
That sucks, but can happen with any device. Let us know how you make out on the customer service front.
So what can I say about Microsoft's customer service. It was great! Went in, they were super helpful. Told them I had a burnt pixle, and wanted to exchange the tablet. They didn't even need to see the burnt pixel and automatically brought up a brand new surface for me (it was the last day for the extended return Christmas policy). The best thing about the entire situation was the fact that I even got a brand new keyboard cover out of it, as they exchanged the entire package for me......Was in and out of the store in less then 10 minutes. Thanks Microsoft!
Since that was the last day of the extended warranty, was there an offer to have an extended extended warranty?
Glad to hear that your experience was top self. The guys that are at the holiday store near me have been very friendly when I have gone in, but I have not had to exchange anything.
My iPadv1 had a dead pixel and Apple replaced it immediately. It was right near the middle of the screen.
I've found more than one of what I believe to be dead pixels...I don't live near any Microsoft Stores...and bought my Surface in November- What can I do?
My first Surface had a dead pixel right in the middle of the screen. I exchanged it the same day and they didn't even look at the device first.