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Hello from New England!

Big Kahuna

Greetings from central MA!

Let me preface by saying I've always been a huge PC and Android proponent. However, my kids, my wife and brothers are big Apple fans. We've always had this big Apple/PC rivalry/ "discussions" at family gatherings.

I finally caved and decided to ask Santa for a new iPad for Xmas.

The Mrs. and I went up to tax free NH yesterday to shop. Walked into the mall and on the way to the Apple store we passed this brand new store called "Microsoft". I was immediately impressed with the store, the ability to sit down was appealing. My salesman was very good, showed me some nice features like the USB port, mem card slot and the ability to run, ---plus the fact it comes stock with Office. Needless to say I never made it to the Apple store and we walked out with a 64 gig RT.

This is not like me to buy on impulse. I have to research reviews for weeks before I buy anything but I was
caught up in the moment. I feel I made the right choice. When I got home, I started to read the luke warm reviews of the Surface. In my house, we wait till 12/25 to play with our Christmas tidings so I've yet to try it out for realz. I'm hopeful it will fill my needs and am encouraged that the Pro comes out in Jan. I've got until 1/31 to decide. I like the idea of running Photoshop.

Will the Pro be released by the end of Jan?

Anyhoo, just wanted to introduce myself, looking forward to learning here.

Big Kahuna
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Congrats and welcome to the forum. I think you will be much happier than with the iPaid. The reviews are pretty bogus and reading this forum you will see how so. Also updating will help a lot with most of the gripes in the reviews. there hasn't been a specific date mentioned for the Pro but end of January is a good bet. Other than Photoshop you will probably be surprised how much the Surface RT will do and that you might not need Pro. There is one thread here already dedicated to finding good photo editing apps. It might take some time but the app selection is rapidly expanding.

Welcome! As you get to know your surface you will start to really notice that most or the reviews on the Surface by Tech bloggers are just biased and miss the point completely. Don't worry about what they say and just enjoy your surface, like most of us here are. The Surface RT is a fantastic device for most of the activities that people need. The Pro gains full Windows 8, but at the cost of weight and battery life. Depends on your need, but nice to have the option available.