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Citrix App


New Member
Does anyone from Microsoft or Citrix read these forums? If so, there is a major problem with the CitrixReceiver app currently available. Out of 73 reviews of the app, 2 people reported that it worked. For those of us unable to cough up the $1000 bucks for Gateway Cloud (or whatever the correct name is), will there be a solution and a working Citrix App? If not, I will be returning my Surface and possibly buying an ipad. I don't want an ipad, but the primary reason I bought a tablet was for use at work, and I MUST have citrix to do my job. PLEASE FIX.

If a fix is planned, please let me know. Otherwise it is back to the store to return this pretty but nonfunctional piece of equipment.
Hi stacy, welcome.

It is possible that people from Microsoft or Citrix read these forums but it is not the proper place to report problems to them. This is just a community of users and enthusiast. The fact that an app is even available should be a clue that a working Citrix app is in the plans.This device is brand new and it will take some time for issues like this to be worked through. You should contact Citrix directly to see what their plans are for apps on Windows RT tablets or letting them know any issues you are encountering.
I downloaded the Citrix app and I too cannot get it to work. If I can get Citrix working on my Surface I can stop taking my laptop to work.
I know one of our team members was looking at Citrix Receiver and so far I have not heard anything on any progress. Since he and I are the only ones that have these devices so far, I would think I would have heard if any forward progress was made.
Stacy we have a full Xen 6 environment here, as soon as I get my RT back I will see what config is required to get this working.
Does anyone from Microsoft or Citrix read these forums? If so, there is a major problem with the CitrixReceiver app currently available. Out of 73 reviews of the app, 2 people reported that it worked. For those of us unable to cough up the $1000 bucks for Gateway Cloud (or whatever the correct name is), will there be a solution and a working Citrix App? If not, I will be returning my Surface and possibly buying an ipad. I don't want an ipad, but the primary reason I bought a tablet was for use at work, and I MUST have citrix to do my job. PLEASE FIX.

If a fix is planned, please let me know. Otherwise it is back to the store to return this pretty but nonfunctional piece of equipment.

I agree.. I traded my Android tablet for a Surface thinking I would get more access but I guess I purchased too early. Basics like Citrix and Flash Player are tools I took for granted would be available.

To reiterate the question: Is there a timeline for a working Citrix App to be available?
I agree.. I traded my Android tablet for a Surface thinking I would get more access but I guess I purchased too early. Basics like Citrix and Flash Player are tools I took for granted would be available.

To reiterate the question: Is there a timeline for a working Citrix App to be available?

The best place to ask is actually with Citrix themselves. They do have an app in the store (Citrix Receiver) you might want to check with your IT on how to set it up.
For Flash, flash is on the Surface, so make sure to update your software to the latest version(let me know if you need instructions on this.) If, after all updates, it still does not work, there is a whitelist, you may need to add a webpage to it to make it work. Citrix has had a few apps in the app store for some time, but I don't use them, so I dont have any great info...