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Continuum? I'm confused

Arizona Willie

Active Member
What the heck is Continuum?

I thought it was a hardware device you connected your tablet to.

But now I see a Continuum app in the Store that talks about having your favorite tv show always at your fingertips!!!

My SP1 is still running W8.1 but I think I will put the Insider W10 on it. My owner is using it for her everyday computer since the laptop died and she isn't too happy with the small screen.

I thought Continuum would allow us to hook up a regular monitor and external SSD drives, but apparently I was very mistaken.
Hi there, @Arizona Willie

Continuum is not hardware, but more of a culture; Ways to use hardware.
One article here.

Thanks a lot. I had seen an article and the picture showed what this article calls a " Display Box " and you plug your Windows Phone into it and external drives.

That's why I got confused. I had seen the pic with a device and presumed that was " Continuum ". Don't think I read the article or I might have known better. :(

So what I need is a Display Box --- IF a Surface Pro 1 can be connected to it. And put W10 on the SP1.
Just to clarify, Continuum is a feature of Windows 10. On Tablets and Two in One devices Continuum is what allows the device to switch between Desktop and Tablet, on specific Windows 10 Mobile (phones at this point) Continuum allows these specific phones to act like desktops either through a dock or Miracast connection.

So Willie, your SP1 will be able to use the Continuum feature to switch between Desktop and Tablet mode on Windows 10.
Just to clarify, Continuum is a feature of Windows 10. On Tablets and Two in One devices Continuum is what allows the device to switch between Desktop and Tablet, on specific Windows 10 Mobile (phones at this point) Continuum allows these specific phones to act like desktops either through a dock or Miracast connection.

So Willie, your SP1 will be able to use the Continuum feature to switch between Desktop and Tablet mode on Windows 10.
Hmmm, so I could connect the DLP port on the SP1 to the DLP port on the Display Port gadget and then plug an HDMI cable in to feed a monitor that doesn't have DLP. But could also plug in external drives to the other ports on the Display Port and thus she would be in business with a large screen.

Would probably be cheaper to buy a DLP cable. I had the adapter but couldn't seem to make it work. But just a DLP alone would get a monitor going if I bought a new one for her and with the Display Port it could be expanded to full power and able to use external storage easier and faster than via our wireless network. Takes hours to back the thing up over the network but not long at all if it's hooked up to a drive.

Looks like there is really a couple of ways to go. Biggest drawback is the SP1 is 2 years old and Microsloth won't give us anything for it on trade and nobody wants a tablet that old even though it isn't all that far behind the SP 4 as far as processor power goes. Smaller screen and heavier than the SP4. I want to wait awhile before upgrading to the SP4 because of all the problems I've seen mentioned. Microsloth needs to get their quality under control. They did great on the SP1 because they weren't rushed to get it to market. They took their time .... but then they rushed a new tablet out every 6 months to capitalize on the success of the SP1.

thanks for the response and sorry for such a long post :0)