Active Member
Hi everyone! I just wanted to pass along some info that I received in a thread that has dramatically enhanced how I use Windows 8.1 on my SP3. It is a program called Start8 and you can download a 30day free trial from the Stardock website or CNET. Anyway, it allows you to configure the start button on the taskbar to resemble the way it used to be in Windows7 and before. You can also download different skins for the start button and the start menu that then pops up. Also, it allows you to configure the physical Windows button on the SP3 to bring up your start menu rather than take you to Metro UI. I loved it so much just setting up the free trial that I immediately bought it. It is $4.99 by itself, but I bundled it with a program called ModernMix (from the Stardock website) for a total of $7.99. ModernMix gives you the ability to run your Metro apps in sizable windows on your desktop. If you're like me and live mostly in the desktop, the combo of these 2 programs is sooooo awesome and makes my personal experience in Windows 8.1 a real pleasure. I seriously love them both. I may never have to go into the Metro UI side of Windows again. 
So, what's your experience with this software been? Or, do you have some other program you use to manage your start button options?
So, what's your experience with this software been? Or, do you have some other program you use to manage your start button options?
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