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Solved Device Manager Errors


New Member
After the system update (I believe in February), I first noticed errors in Device Manager for Surface Keyboard Backlight and Surface Pen Pairing - both indicate that "This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)". I ran (more than once) the Windows Hardware Troubleshooting and (each time) it indicates that there are problems with the drivers and that reinstalling might fix the problems. However, despite letting it reinstall the drivers and then rebooting, the errors don't go away. I also tried uninstalling the Surface Pen Pairing and then letting Windows detect it again. After doing so, I was still able to pair the pen, but the error persists.

I was hoping the next system update (April) might make the errors go away, but it did not. Short of a clean (Windows 10 Pro) reinstall, does anyone have any suggestions?


P.S. Both the keyboard lighting and the pen seem to work correctly, so I guess I would consider this problem as more of an irritant than anything else.
I had the issue with the pen. I thought it was battery at first. After i tried pairing over and over i got the message the driver was corrupt. I deleted the driver in the device manager and then did a scan for new hardware. It installed the Pen Bluetooth driver and I havn't had a problem or even changed a battery since the beginning of December.

I had uninstalled the Surface Pen Pairing before from Device Manager, but tried it again. I made sure that I also checked removing the associated driver (which is what I believe I did last time). However, rather than then restarting, I had it scan for new hardware. I also did this for the Surface Keyboard Backlight. It found the two devices but put them under another category. I then went to each device and choose to update the drivers. After doing that, both devices then appeared without errors.

I am not sure why scanning for new hardware did the trick vs. restarting (and Windows then finding the hardware), but it did...