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Hey Smart people,
I am looking for a way to get the surface to display the screen of another device. Specifically I am going from an HTC one(m7) to a surface pro 2. I think a direct connection with audio/video would be ideal. The phone has an MHL adapter. It also supports the same set of wifi stuff as the surface pro. So something like Miracast or WiDi might work?

My first assumption is that the display port on the surface is one way, which unfortunately seems to be the way all laptops are built. Can anyone confirm this and/or make some suggestions on how to get the phone's display onto the surface?

The phone is fully rooted, running xposed framework and all those handy things. I think the hardpart will be getting the surface to accept an input though.

well, with windows phone 8.1 it would be possible. there's an app called project to my screen. I hook up my phone with a usb cable, run the app on my pc and whatever I do on the phone shows on the display.

doesn't help you, but it can be done.

Phone Capture.PNG
I'm not sure why that wouldn't help me?? This is windows 8.1. Is this an app in the app store or is it a full blow application?
There seems to be a few options out there. I am going to try something like BBQscreen remote first. After there Droid @ Screen seems like it might work. After that there is Splashtop Streamer which is supposed to be low latency full audio/video.

Pricing varies on some of things things. Anyone have first hand experience with any of these techs?
I thought I might add as a side note that for anyone that comes looking later I have been using AirDroid a lot recently to SMS from the desktop, transfer files and backup certain apps across devices that are no longer avaliable in the play store. There are a lot of other handy uses from this as well.
There seems to be a few options out there. I am going to try something like BBQscreen remote first. After there Droid @ Screen seems like it might work. After that there is Splashtop Streamer which is supposed to be low latency full audio/video.

Pricing varies on some of things things. Anyone have first hand experience with any of these techs?

I did use something similar to Droid @ Screen a loooong time ago (about 4 years) and it worked quite well, but there was noticeable lag. Whether that was because of the earlier android version or poor software, I don't know. But I imagine things have improved a lot since then :D
BBQScreen Remote sounds promising. If not Splashtop claims they have a zero lag system suitable for even remote gaming.
So I got BBQScreen going fairly easily. Not too hard to setup at all. It can share over wifi/bluetooth/usb. Wifi worked good, USB is great. Supports up to 720@10Mbps data rate... which was resulting in 24-26 fps on the surface with full audio. I am sure at a more sane bitrate I can get that to 30+ no problem.

It is also worth noting that the mouse keyboard and touch on the surface are all perfectly valid ways to interact with the phone while screen sharing. I've also setup my sixaxis controller and used a PS3 controller connected to the phone while streaming to the surface. I even went as far as connecting the surface to my main monitor via display port during this process and using screen standby app on the phone to turn the LED backlight out (much less wear and tear, better battery time, better charging...etc etc)

In short I am calling this a success. BBQScreen has bugs still but the core functionality is completely useable from my experience.