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Dual External Monitors Selection


New Member
So I have my new Surface Pro 2 ( 512GB / 8Gb ) along with the Microsoft Surface docking station. I currently have two old existing DELL P2210 monitors that I had and are now mounted on a Planar dual monitor stand connected ( one direct to dock and the other with a Plugable USB 3.0 graphics adapter). I am not satisfied with this arrangement as these monitors use a native resolution of 1680 X 1050 which forces the Surface Pro 2 to downgrade it's resolution. So what I am thinking about are two of the new DELL UltraSharp 24 – U2414H monitors that are native resolution of 1980 X 1080 which exactly matches the Surface Pro 2. They also have the DisplayPort IN and OUT ports and support the MST technology so they can be daisy chained.

Do you folks believe this would be an optimal monitor setup for the Surface Pro 2 or does someone believe there might be a better solution? Also the budget needs to stay under $1000 for the monitors...

