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Solved Fix for chipped paint


New Member
Every Surface I have owned inevitably ends up with chipped paint which degrades the experience for me. Finally I got sick of the low quality paint job on the Surface 2 (its way better than RT, but still) and decided to do something about it.

So I hit it with the orbital sander while I was drunk last night. I'm happy with the results, but wouldn't advise doing this to a new Surface tat isn't chipping. Need to talk with my material science friend about the discoloration in the magnesium near the hinge though. Maybe the alloy wasn't mixed perfectly and I need to sand more or maybe this is as good as it gets.

Hope you like it, check it out...

he he, Don't do this at home folks. :)

Looks like you shoulda used a much finer grit. There appears to be some layering on the upper part you went right through.
I hear MACCO or Earl Scheib may be running a special on Surface paint jobs sometime soon... :cool:

iPad Gold will be one of the color options. :D

It would appear there's a copper layer across the upper back probably due to the heat conductivity properties of copper being much better, spreading heat away from the CPU area.. You definitely would not get that with a plastic case and Magnesium has less than 50% of the heat conductivity of copper.
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