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I give up xbox music...


New Member
My love hate relationship with xbox music has finally come to close. I have cancelled my subscription and gone back to Spotify. I couldn't handle the metro interface on my large desktop screen anymore, lack of support for my android phone, and clunky interface was enough. The bit rate is higher on Spotify anyway for when I listen on my large speakers at home.

If they make a "desktop" version and provide support for android I'll go back. Sorry Microsoft, it was a good try.
The desktop version was and still is Zune. Even if Microsoft has ended support, it still works for my needs. Not sure why Microsoft hasn't done more to push Xbox Music along quicker, since they seem to want to replace Zune and Windows Media Player, but it's just not there yet. I use Xbox Music on my RT, but still run Zune on my Windows 8 netbook. Spotify is intriguing to me, but without an app that will play on my RT, it just doesn't seem to fit for me. Still hoping for a much improved Xbox Music in the near future, but who knows.