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IE vs Chrome: which is better?


I'm running both on my Surface Pro 3. I am beginning to wonder if I should use IE more. Have a feeling Chrome uses more battery and memory. Anyone with the know who would like to comment on that?

Yes, Chrome will eat batteries like 50 calorie snacks.

Of course asking which is better is like asking which Barbeque is best or which religion is best.
At a customer's site yesterday they had called me in because a laptop was running out of resources, (not a battery issue in this case), All of Chrome's memory use, added together, was consuming over 500MB of RAM. By far the most of all the other running programs and there were a lot of them. One more reason to be concerned.
I'm running both on my Surface Pro 3. I am beginning to wonder if I should use IE more. Have a feeling Chrome uses more battery and memory. Anyone with the know who would like to comment on that?


I am/was a strong Chrome user, but now that I've got my SP3, I've discovered Metro IE and am really enjoying it. It's much better on the battery life as well.
On my desktop - Chrome.

On my Surface where I care about things like battery life, and have a very high dpi screen - IE does a much better job.
Ditto. I'm a heavy chrome user usually bit on the surface I prefer metro ie. Wish I could install an adblock though...
I use a combination of IE and Chrome on my desktop. I prefer IE overall, but I exclusively use IE on my Surface, reason being it offers the best battery life and works very well with touch.

The one thing stopping me from exclusively using IE on my desktop is the lack of a Session Manager or equivalent, because when IE loses my tabs it really annoys me - whereas in Chrome, I can open Session Manager and restore them.

If you guys know of something like Session Manager for IE, please do let me know.
I'd like to use both, but IE sucks if it's not set as the default browser, so I have to use Chrome at all times.
I'm running both on my Surface Pro 3. I am beginning to wonder if I should use IE more. Have a feeling Chrome uses more battery and memory. Anyone with the know who would like to comment on that?


Desktop: Opera (Opera Turbo feature is stupidly fast)
Metro: IE11

Used to use Chrome a lot mostly because of its vast amount of addons/apps/extension. But then figured out that Opera can do (almost) the same, and Opera uses way less resource and doesn't run in the background.
I use IE mostly only because of the battery drain issue that I read about here regarding Chrome.

But I find that is bad with upload forms. I've found on several occasions that when I'm on a job site and they ask me to upload my resume, I can browse and find my file, but when I click "ok", it doesn't actually upload the file/resume.

I thought it was just me, but I've read of others who've had similar experiences. Hoping to see this fixed.
I prefer Chrome and Firefox BUT NEITHER runs buttery smooth on my S 3 like IE does. Thus, IE wins. I plan on trying Opera next. I've deleted Firefox and Chrome from my SP3 sadly.