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IE Won't Refresh in Pulldown Menus

Sorry, I got busy the last few days, first chance to get around to trying more solutions just now.

I was being nub. First I tried the Ikea website again, it came up mobile version, then i did the whole Compatibility View Settings (CVS for short ok) thing not realising I first had to switch ikea to the Full version THEN do the CVS thing for it to work properly, otherwise every refresh it was still mobile version. So once i loaded Ikea up, switched to Full site, then did the CVS>Add, it works like a charm and every refresh is now full version.

I then went back to media portal, I did the same thing (although it has no 'full/mobile site link to click), but nonetheless I added the site via CVS and voila it now works! Works as in when I click into that blue highlighted pulldown menu and select something different it applies it and the site refreshes (whereas before it did nothing).

So thank you everyone for helping here, looks like this thread can be marked solved now.