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Internet Explorer 11 issue


New Member
I have had my new Microsoft Surface 2 for about 3 weeks. So much to learn. The last couple of days I have noticed that when I open Facebook I get an error message saying: For a better experience on Facebook switch to our basic site or update your browser. I have tried switching to the basic site. I have the same problem. I know I can't switch to another browser. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue.
Sounds like you have some updates to do, this was an issue that was fixed with a Firmware Update. Run Windows Update from the desktop control panel and install all of the available updates (it is possible your machine has a pending reboot from updates already installed).
Are you behind a proxy? The only other time I saw this I was in a Hotel in NYC that was using a 3rd party proxy service for the hotel. You don't have any optional or important updates left to install?