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Invisible Micro SD Card


I used the procedures to load Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos to an SD card, and mount the volume so it is accessible to Libraries.
At some point recently the card has 'disappeared'.
I have checked it on my Desktop, and all the files are still there.
When I insert or remove the card, the Surface Pro makes the right noises - so I think the drive is working OK. Somehow it is just not properly being recognised.
It doesn't show up as a drive in Computer Window; nor is it visible as a Volume in Disk Manager.
I used a Registry Cleaner product recently, but have reverted to the previous Registry backup; with no success.

Has anybody any bright ideas...?
Mounted volumes do not need a drive letter assigned to it to work, it is a feature Unix have.

Go to Disk Management, add a drive letter, then unmount the volume from the folder. It will break your Libraries, but it's easy to restore them.
The SP is a bit finicky with SD cards I've found. I've got a 32GB SANDISK one that does something similar to what you describe, and a 32GB Samsung one that's fine. Both work in other devices just fine.
Mounted volumes do not need a drive letter assigned to it to work, it is a feature Unix have.

Go to Disk Management, add a drive letter, then unmount the volume from the folder. It will break your Libraries, but it's easy to restore them.

Arnold; I can get as far as 'Go to Disk Management', but can't see how to add a drive letter with no 2nd drive visible...
Screen shot please.

And where is your mount point, the directory you see the contents?
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Arnold; I can get as far as 'Go to Disk Management', but can't see how to add a drive letter with no 2nd drive visible...
get used to it Arnold likes to spoon feed directions, but in the end he will get it done for you...
The SP is a bit finicky with SD cards I've found. I've got a 32GB SANDISK one that does something similar to what you describe, and a 32GB Samsung one that's fine. Both work in other devices just fine.

The Sandisk Ultra cards are problematic for the SP because they are noticeably thinner than a typical SDCard so they have a contact problem in the SP.

Two solutions:

1) Don't use a Sandisk Ultra with your SP or
2) Make a little loop with some black electric tape and stick it to the back of the card. I say make a loop because you will need something to pull the card out as the tape makes a snugger fit and the card can get stuck. The extra thickness of the tape keeps the card properly in contact.
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Well; I tried a lot of stuff, including accidentally removing the SXDC driver completely.
In the end I ran the Windows 8 Hardware and Devices Find and Fix problems and it reappeared!
Well; I tried a lot of stuff, including accidentally removing the SXDC driver completely.
In the end I ran the Windows 8 Hardware and Devices Find and Fix problems and it reappeared!

I'm telling you, the problem with the SanDisk card is that it is too thin to make solid contact in your SP. You will keep having issues until you solve that.