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Sir Face

New Member
'Just wondering if there's any detrimental effect to leaving the SP2's charger unit plugged into a wall socket all the time? I realize it's probably costing me a bit of electricity, but does it hurt the charger itself? I've noticed the supplied charger for the SP2 isn't even offered at the Microsoft store OR on Amazon for some reason.
What, you actually unplug wires?
I've always had all of my cables plugged in at all times, never harmed anything.
Besides, isn't that what their made for?
I'm going to answer no. I have a Surface pro and my charger is always plugged in to the wall.
Pro tip: Get one of those extension cables with the on/off plug.
Damn pricey on their own aren't they! Glad it comes included... I leave mine plugged in 90% of the time btw, haven't noticed any deterioration.