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Microsoft Complete for Surface?


New Member
Does anyone know if this is worth purchasing?

I have a 2.5 year old and a fairly clumsy wife.. if the warranty covers accidental drops/spills then I feel like maybe its worth purchasing.

Has anyone had any experience with MS's extended warrranty? Is it hassle-free like they say?
For a 2.5 year old and a clumsy wife, I say give them a $150 Toys R Us tablet and keep the Surface for yourself.
Does anyone know if this is worth purchasing?

I have a 2.5 year old and a fairly clumsy wife.. if the warranty covers accidental drops/spills then I feel like maybe its worth purchasing.

Has anyone had any experience with MS's extended warrranty? Is it hassle-free like they say?

I stay away from all warranty's like that, the odds are with them or they wouldn't offer it. By the time the surface breaks it will most likely be cheaper to purchase a new one, or give you an excuse to upgrade.
Hahaha.. well my long term plan is to give the RT to my wife and toddler, and hopefully either get the Pro or RT 2.0 in a year.

I ended up getting it, why? well... I called MS to close out the trace I had on my missing UPS package (Surface) and the person on the phone talked to her supervisor and she said she got approval to sell me the Complete warranty for $50 for my inconvenience! :)

For 1/2 the price and a no-hassle (drop/spill/etc) warranty I could've said no, but I feel that this protects the $700 investment for 2 years..

Yay MS!
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I'm sticking with the normal warranty because I plan to move to RTv2 as soon as its available.
The Surface is a fairly sturdy device, and Microsoft has been pretty outspoken about how well it can stand up to being dropped, trodden on etc. There have been a few real-world examples already of people's Surface tablets being dropped and even run over by cars and still working perfectly (with maybe some cosmetic damage of course!).

That said, Microsoft certainly don't slap a guarentee on the product that it's indestructable, or indeed spill / waterproof. Few manufacturers (even Apple) accept items for free repair or replacement if the product has clearly been mistreated. Your best bet if you're concerned about accidental damage is to see if you can take out a home insurance policy that will cover accidental damage of your gadgets. If you plan to take your Surface outside of the home (it is a mobile device after all!) you may need to take out a separate gadget-insurance policy to cover you for such damage, and of course theft.

Extended warrantys may be false economy as some have pointed out - but with many of us carrying around at least one expensve gadget which could easily be damaged, or make us the target of crime, insurance is something I view as a very good idea.
Does anyone know if this is worth purchasing?

I have a 2.5 year old and a fairly clumsy wife.. if the warranty covers accidental drops/spills then I feel like maybe its worth purchasing.

Has anyone had any experience with MS's extended warrranty? Is it hassle-free like they say?

I normally do not purchase extended service plans they are usally a way of seperating the flock from some of their fleece. BUT this one has a great "shot myself in the foot" clause. Drop - back over it with the car - "Dady it jumped out of my hands" . I travel a lot in some cases less than idea conditions so I got this one.
I have a 2.5 year old and a fairly clumsy wife..?

v10 etc --

As one who was married for a long, long time, I would suggest that any guy who will post online that he has a "clumsy wife" probably needs all the insurance he can get.

Can I interest you in an Accidental Death policy?

Take care,
Hahaha.. she knows she's clumsy too which is the scary part.

We've got a pretty good life insurance policy in place just in case.
Does anyone know if this is worth purchasing?

I have a 2.5 year old and a fairly clumsy wife.. if the warranty covers accidental drops/spills then I feel like maybe its worth purchasing.

Has anyone had any experience with MS's extended warrranty? Is it hassle-free like they say?

I asked the same question myself (in another thread) and ended up getting the extended warranty. I decided to go for it because I travel a lot and will be using the Surface for work and play. I've covered work portables (never desktops) in the past and it really paid off several years ago on a Toshiba laptop. It's a real judgement call, though --- I may have spent $100 for nothing more than peace of mind.
If you buy it, you won't need it. If you don't buy it, you will wish you had.
It is only a $100 for two years of protection; that is not much money in my opinion and I am college student.
If you buy it, you won't need it. If you don't buy it, you will wish you had.
It is only a $100 for two years of protection; that is not much money in my opinion and I am college student.

That was pretty much my thinking.