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Microsoft Surface Pro 3 sales are maybe reaching new heights

I'm not yet impressed with Core-M, the hype (bark) may be worse than this bite. If Core-M continues to lack punch and underperform in real products the word of mouth will have the opposite effect and become a wet blanket for products. I keep hoping someone will figure this beast out and release a Core-M device that lives up to the hype but realistically it's just not going to happen with the current versions. It will take a new Broadwell iteration, I'll dub 5Y91 (you don't have to look it doesn't exist), or a Skylake Core-M may deliver, the details for which are currently unknown.

Now wouldn't it be funny if the rumors of a SP4 bearing Core-M is what's sparking sales of the SP3.

Get em while their Hot!

- Pun intended. :)
so because of this last update, people are flocking to buy the SP3? I don't get it, what's so great about the last update? LOL I feel like some black sheep kept out of the loop...
so because of this last update, people are flocking to buy the SP3? I don't get it, what's so great about the last update? LOL I feel like some black sheep kept out of the loop...
Given the publishing lag this is probably talking about the update before the actual last last update :)
I can bet that the Surface Pro 4 launch date is at least 6 months away and will not include Core M except the lowest-end version.
Given the publishing lag this is probably talking about the update before the actual last last update :)

ok, so what about the update that your talking about (or the article is talking about) is so great that it would make people flock out of their nice comfy and warm homes to buy the SP3?
ok, so what about the update that your talking about (or the article is talking about) is so great that it would make people flock out of their nice comfy and warm homes to buy the SP3?
I think it must be a coincidence and is totally unrelated to any update. Most people haven't even heard of this update nor would they be awestruck by it; more like dumbfounded.
that's what I mean! I HAVE A SP3 and I don't know what the article is talking about, let alone people who don't own one... article is talking out of his butt.
I agree. I would think the majority of SP3 buyers know nothing of firmware updates and the fact it has needed so many updates would scare many people away.

I think sales are up because of "word-of-mouth" and people seeing others using the SP3 and are amazed by what they see us doing with it.
Definitely word of mouth that's helping the sp3. Before, many many people were buying the BS that the ipad is great and windows 8/8.1 is this terrible thing. I think windows 8.1 and the sp3 are a perfect combo.