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Microsoft's Windows Feature Suggestion Box


Editor in Chief

Want to be a part of shaping what comes in the next version of Windows? Microsoft created their feature suggestion landing page so you can vote for your favorite feature ideas. Here's a full quote and link below:

Windows Feature Suggestions
Welcome to the Windows Feature Suggestion Box!
Windows Feature Suggestion Box provides the Windows PC/Tablet user community with a channel for feedback. To help us build the best version of Windows ever, we created this forum to hear your ideas, suggestions and feedback.
  • If there are features or design changes you hope to see in the next version of Windows, submit them right here!
  • In order to understand which features people MOST want, you get to vote on the feature suggestions that are already here. We have set the number of votes you have available on your favorite suggestions to 20. Vote for your favorite features now!
What this forum is not intended to cover:
  • Windows Phone Consumer Suggestions
  • Windows Platform Developer Feedback
To see our work in progress, please go ahead and install Windows 10 Technical Preview. You can join the conversation about Technical Preview and swap advice with others at Technical Preview Forums, or Become an Insider to get the latest preview builds and an easy-to-use built-in feedback app.

Standard Disclaimer
Our lawyers made us put this here ;-) Please note that the Windows Feature Suggestion Box is moderated and is a voluntary participation-based project. If your submission is not a product feature suggestion it may be removed. Please do not send any novel or patentable ideas, copyrighted materials, samples or demos which you do not want to grant a license to Microsoft. Your submission is subject to these License Terms. Please limit your suggestions to 25 words or less.

Please enter your feature suggestion....

Microsoft - Windows Feature Suggestions
Wo, didn't know about that idea voting system...thanks for sharing, already seeing lots of great ideas, just having a hard time picking the most important ones, too many great ideas to ignore ;)
They did something very similar prior to Windows 7 even though it wasn't as well publicized. They totally ignored it for Windows 8