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Xbox One Smartglass App for Android and iOS Gets a New ScreenShot Feature


Editor in Chief

Microsoft just announced they are adding we are adding the ability to view, share, and save Xbox One screenshots using the iOS and/or Android Xbox One SmartGlass apps. Here's a quote with more of the details straight from Major Nelson:

With over 500 total votes on Xbox Feedback, (Post #1, Post #2) we are adding the ability to view, share, and save Xbox One screenshots in the iOS and Android Xbox One SmartGlass apps, similar to the capabilities already available in the Xbox app on Windows 10. You will find screenshots in the Activity Feed, on profile pages, and in the new Capture hub available from the drawer. This feature will be available soon in the Android Xbox One SmartGlass Beta app (build 2.4.1507 or higher) which is accessible by all users; the beta version for iOS is currently limited to users that are already part of the Xbox One SmartGlass Beta via the Apple store (Build 2.108 or higher).

If there are any forum members who have the Xbox One Smartglass app for their device, please sound off and let us know what you think of it.